Take a weekend trip to Scotland? Yes, please – count me in!
Two of my new London friends and I adventured to Scotland this past weekend.
Even though it was rainy and dreary we set out to have dinner at the Elephant Café
– to see where some of the famous Harry Potter books were penned. We decided to
walk back to our hotel instead of take the bus. We arrived back to the hotel very
soggy indeed. My shoes were soaking wet all the way through. I tried to dry
them with the hair dryer, as you may imagine that did not pan out so well. I
had high hopes they would dry overnight- no such chance. The next day, wet shoes and all, we headed
out to find new shoes as we started our day. On a Sunday morning, not much was
open at 10am. At last we found a Primark clothing store. Immediately I found a
pair of shoes for less than $10. I was very proud of myself as shoe shopping can
be somewhat daunting task for me. I found socks and was ready to G-O. The sales girl cut off the tag and I attempted to wear my new shoes out the door, when I
realized they were too big. So my very patient travel mates said go ahead and
exchange them we can wait outside. I grabbed a new pair and made my way to
customer service. I switched the new shoes that I was wearing into the wet and squishy shoes while I was taking the lift up to
the 3rd floor. Well, low and behold when I researched the service
desk, I was minus one shoe (brand new). I dropped it somewhere between being on
the lift and the customer service desk. Of course I cannot return shoes with
one missing. I tried to convince manager to watch the security camera to see
who picked up the shoe, sad to say I was not successful. I gave up, as my
friends were waiting for me and I was getting anxious to make them wait any
longer. Later, in the day I talked to the store manager and they still had not
found the missing shoe. They did offer for me to return the lonely shoe and exchange
for a new pair of shoes; probably because they thought I was some crazy American
girl that loses a shoe – brand new no less in the store. Who does that???? However by the time we
made our way back near the store it was really close to departure time. I just
did not want to risk missing the train back to London for a pair of
$10 shoes. Meanwhile, this girl walked around Scotland with soggy and smelly
shoes that I am pretty sure were about to be turned into mold. Last night, the
Keen’s had a spin in the washing machine and hopefully will be good as new. One of my London friends, said I could have a Cinderella ending. Perhaps prince charming could come look
for me with the shoe, well he would need to hurry up and make his way to London
to find me!
He'll find you anywhere!!