The UK is known for a lack of preservatives in their food . Hence, it was recommended that we buy food
every couple of days. This has been an adjustment for many of us Americans. We
tend to buy extra or what we need for the week. My mama’s philosophy - the more
trips to go to the grocery store to get just one or two things the more you
spend and you come with a bag full. I think many of us are on the same page
here—less trips to the store. Sad to say food has been thrown away this past
week. Who would know that a whole loaf of bread could turn into a science
project in two days? Yes, probably could of lasted a bit longer in the frig but
who wants to eat a cold, hard peanut butter sandwich? Not this girl. As
previously blogged, an excellent way to save money is shop with a friend.
Shopping with a friend, is also an excellent way to avoid multiple baguettes
cluttering up the counter and getting hard. Being grocery store savy will help
prevent the feeling of standing there and throwing pounds (British money) out the
Free------ I am always looking for ideas to get free deals Recently,
some friends invited me to join them for dinner at their flat – free meal and great company.
But it does not stop there. I commented on the bag of marshmallows that was
sitting on their bookcase. They told me that got them free…. FREEEEE……. I say?
Apparently, if you cute and flirt with a street vendor you can get free marshmallows. Hmmmm……...
A tip from my friend Danielle : Don’t go to the grocery
store when hungry because you are apt to
buy extra STUFF! Yes, most of us know that, but felt like I needed to share
this shoe string tip .
Watch out for those sly postage stamps that look innocent.
Here in the UK a stamp to mail a postcard is $1.71 not to mention the price of
the post card. Sadly, enough my postcard list had to be slashed drastically. I
found an alternative way to let loved ones know I was thinking of them, taking
pictures that remind me of them and posting on social media.
Perhaps a top way to save money while traveling – stay out
of the souvenir shops. This could be tricky, so I recommend having an idea what
you are looking for. When you have achieved your mission stay strong and
prevail! Just say no! I learned it was perfectly alright to wait outside of the
Harry Potter gift shop. Some of you may gasp in disbelief. Hopefully, my 229
pictures will provide lasting memories.
Lastly, adhering to my shoestring budget, I bought the cheapest
theater ticket to see the Crucible. Sometimes, a person has to sit back and
ponder, do I want to save money and take the risk for crummy seats where you cannot
see the actors on the stage? Or do I want to forgo some other expenses, save money
and buy better seats. I suppose, it all comes down to priorities.
I'm a scrapper, pics always work.