
Monday, June 30, 2014

London ~ T- minus 7 days!

This time next week, I will be heading to the airport getting ready to depart for London!

Friday, June 27, 2014

My cousins are cooler than yours!

Change of plans can be a good thing!  I thought I had decided to forgo this year's family reunion due to working this summer, three classes and a up coming trip to London. Well a couple days ago it turns out my dad had something come up for work and he could not go. Since the trip was paid for I packed a bag, and hit the highway with mama  and 11 hours later arrived in St. Louis. Evening one, pre reunion cousin party at my cousins house. Reunited  with cousins... some havent seen in 8 years ! and met some new ones. We laughed and laughed and laughed more! This weekend is gonna a hoot as we will spend 3 days together at a lodge with hugs laughs and good times for a fun filled weekend with 100 cousins!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Trial Run

I find my self standing here looking at a pile of clothes trying to decide what to take for a long weekend away.I have limited myself to two pairs of shoes.  Should be interesting to say the least trying to figure out what to pack for three weeks in London.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Video Editing Exercise

Travel log video intro:

Audio Editing Exercise

Audio Editing ExerciseBlog Audio Exercise

Photo Editing Exercise

Original Photo

Photo enhancement #1
Image was cropped to focus on ape. Shelter roof was cropped off as well .Visitors were captured at the back of the exhibit peering in at the ape, they were cropped out of photo.

Photo enhancement #2

I played around with hues and colors attempting to make the photo black and white.

Photo enhancement #3
I added a text box identifying the location the photo was taken.

T- Minus 14 days!

Counting down! – In less than 14 days I will be boarding a plane and heading to London! Did I mention not only will I be experiencing three weeks of whirl wind adventures – some imaginable and some not even close to dreaming,  my journey will also include classwork for my Master’s degree?


Sadly, there will be so much more that I will want to experience but here is my London bucket list! (so far and I have not even arrived yet!)


10 Adventures I am looking forward to:

1. Experiencing a bird’s eye view of the city via “London Eye”
 Amazing  photo opportunities and quite possibility a once in life time experience.

2.Standing on the door step of the “blue door” and walking through the streets of Notting Hill
 Yes, this may be considered  “touristy”. However, it’s the romantic side of me and I love this movie!

3.Taking a selfie in front of Baker Street Tube Station
The “Baker” in me, not to mention I would enjoy  bringing  “Baker” treasures home to share with my family.

4. Theater trip to see Wicked!
Wicked has been among my top list of productions to see for years.

5. Experience a play in Shakespeare’s “Globe Theater”
Shakespeare .....what else can I say…   the English teacher side of me.

6. Browsing amongst titles aboard the Book Store Barge
I love books and browsing amongst unusual titles that are not on the shelves of the local bookstore is intriguing not to mention the ambiance.

7. Bicycle through London streets
 Bumping into  ( hopefully not literally )  places off the beaten path could lead to sights and journeys unexpected.

8. Worshipping and hearing the choir sing at St. Paul’s Cathedral
I imagine being inside the walls of a cathedral and worship service that is hundreds and hundreds of years old is going to be enlightening and quite an spiritual experience.

9. Witness Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace
I can only imagine the different angles of snap shots that I can capture for my scrapbook.

10. Finding the perfect piece of jewelry to commemorate my trip
Shopping in street markets – oh the possibilities!

11. Spending the weekend in Paris with my new friends
This is going to be an amazing experience in itself… that is difficult to image!


Opps!!!!  It seems I could not stop at ten things! There is an abundance of things I want to see, do and experience!  Which brings me to the topic of my blog; not only will I be sharing travel adventures on my blog, I will be blogging tips and places to visit that are free or almost free.  Finding ways to save those hard earned American Dollars that will be exchanged into British Pounds stretch is important! In a nutshell, this girl will be sharing how I attempt to travel on a shoestring budget.


I invite you to follow my blog and check back often!


“We lean forward to the next crazy adventure beneath the skies.”  Jack Kerouac

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sailing Solo around the Great Lakes

Today, my brother sets sail for The Port Huron to Mackinac to Chicago solo sailboat race. As I think about him sailing all by himself through the deep, dark, blue waters with nothing but the horizon in his view, I can not help wonder where my adventures will take me in two short weeks as I head to London. Good Luck Joey, may the wind be in your favor!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

T-Minus 30 Days!

Thirty day count down until I depart for London and begin my study abroad journey!